How to use (and turn off!) in-app ratings and reviewsHow do I turn off App Store review prompts? With the quick toggle of a Settings switch, of course!
As of iOS 10.3, the operating system features a new prompt for App Store ratings and reviews. Where before the prompt would kick you over to the App Store to leave a review, iOS 10.3 added in-app prompts. Come iOS 11, you'll actually be able to toggle those in-app prompts. The new system will also limit the number of review prompts a user receives to three a year. My colleague Rene Ritchie has more information on the App Store review process, which you can find here:
This is how developers will be able to respond to App Store reviews
How to use in-app ratings and reviews
In-app ratings and reviews will work a lot like the current rating and review process; you just don't have to leave the app!
When an app prompts you for a rating, you simply tap the star that corresponds to your rating (5 is best; 1 is worst) and tap Submit.
When an app prompts you for a review, you provide a rati...
How to use (and turn off!) in-app ratings and reviews