Humanity as a technological constructThe internet brought us together and is slowly but effectively tearing us apart.
I like to think I'm a pretty tech-savvy guy. I get it; I enjoy it; hell, I wouldn't be writing for iMore if I didn't love technology. Smartphones never cease to amaze me; just when I think computers can't get any better, they inevitably do, and the gadgets that companies come up with to make life a little easier simply blow my mind (there's a smart breast pump for crying out loud!).
Lately, however, I'm finding that I'm distancing myself from technology. I stopped using my Apple Watch; I deleted my Facebook account; and in the evenings I opt to read more and watch TV less. I find myself pining for simpler times where I didn't have to respond to texts and requests to connect via one platform or another. Maybe I'm getting older. Maybe my inner cynic is taking hold. Either way, I was starting to lose myself a bit.
It's like we're the Tin Man in reverse
With the most recent American election (you know th...
Humanity as a technological construct