Apple's 1984 Internal Inspirational Video with Steve Jobs as Franklin Roosevelt
Network World shares a rather unique internal Apple video from 1984 intended to inspire Apple employees as the Macintosh sought to supplant IBM in the workplace. The short black-and-white film is set to a World War II theme and features a brief appearance by Steve Jobs in the role of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.Entitled "1944," the almost 9-minute full version was Apple's in-house takeoff on "1984," the iconic first Macintosh TV ad that caused a sensation during that year's Super Bowl. Set as a World War II tale of good vs. IBM, it is a broadcast-quality production (said to have cost $50,000) that was designed to fire up Apple's international sales force at a 1984 meeting in Hawaii. A copy of "1944" was provided to me by one-time Apple employee Craig Elliott, now CEO of Pertino Networks, a cloud-computing startup located two blocks from Apple in Cupertino.
Jobs' appearance, complete with fake accent to initially disguise his true identity, comes at roughly 5:20 into the film.
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