Drugs, Cops & Dismemberment: The Crazy Adventures Of A Vintage Mac Collector [Interview]What does it take to be a vintage Mac collector? A love of all things Apple and an encyclopedic knowledge of the many successful, unsuccessful and downright notorious products Cupertino has released over the years are a given. But the job can be more perilous than you’d imagine. Just ask Adam Goolevitch. Known as “wozniac” [...]Related StoriesApple Claims Ownership Of iPhone5.com DomainSmartphone Gamers Prefer To Flirt With Random People Than Play Against Their FriendsApple Starts Censoring The Word Jailbreak In iTunes (Even In Songs!)Enterprise Device Alliance (A Mac And iOS IT Resources Group) Gain Members And Expands ServicesSamsung Forced To Release New Chips Early After Apple Rumor Causes Stock Plummet