SuperTooth 2 Really Is Super [Review] This is the SuperTooth Disco 2. It’s the sequel to one of my favorite Bluetooth speakers ever, the SuperTooth, only smaller, a little quieter, and a lot more stereo-er. It also has a quirky little flower-vase style which will probably grow on you, especially if you have small tables. Like any other Bluetooth [...]Related StoriesApple Sued For Allegedly Infringing Media Playback Patent That It Half-Heartedly Tried To LicenseStackable Batteries Can Even Charge The New iPadSTM Scout Tablet Bag: Tough as the Outback, More Pouches Than a Troop of Kangaroos [Review]IconToggles Tweak Brings 16 Different Actions To Your Home Screen [Jailbreak]Camalapse, The Clockwork Timelapse Timer For You iPhone