Best personal finance apps to invest in for New Year!Getting your finances in order can be the key to getting your whole year in order!
Saving money is never as much fun as spending money. That's because humans are great at mortgaging the future to pay for the present. One day, though, the future will come to cash in. So, it's best be budgeted and ready when it does. Here, then, are the best iPhone apps to help you take control of your personal finances in the New Year!
YNAB (You Need a Budget)
Acorns: Invest Spare Change
Daily Budget
Your bank's app
Mint is more finance app than a budget app, but don't let that turn you off. I discovered shortly after I started using Mint that it automatically creates a budget for you. After you connect your credit cards and bank accounts, the app automatically creates a budget based on average spending habits. You can increase or decrease the maximum for each budget and add or remove categories. Income and expenses are automatically added when you make purchases with your credit or b...
Best personal finance apps to invest in for New Year!