Apple could take a page from Google when it comes to app and game discoveryGoogle now has a feature that lets you stream a portion of a game instantly, without having to purchase or download it. It's a great way to engage players and Apple should do something similar.
Google recently unveiled a new feature available in its Google Play Store, which allows gamers to play a small portion of a game without having to install it. No buying. No downloading. No sign-up. No emotional investment at all before giving it a try. You just tap the Play button and you're instantly playing the game. If you like it, you can tap Buy Now for the full experience.
I love the concept behind this. It gives developers a way to let you play a game, thus increasing its discoverability, while also giving players a way to test out a game, no strings attached, and I mean none.
Instant Play means no downloading, installation, sign-up, or anything
Here's how it works. When someone on an Android phone browses for new games in either the Google Play Games app or the Google Play Store, t...
Apple could take a page from Google when it comes to app and game discovery