Take A Peek At Upcoming Versions Of Abvio’s Full-Featured Running And Cycling AppsSAN FRANCISCO, MACWORLD/IWORLD 2012 — As the App Store approaches its fourth birthday this July, some early apps are getting quite mature. With each update, more and more features get added. Take for example a trio of apps from Abvio for running, walking and cycling. The company was previewing version 7 of their apps here [...]Related StoriesHere’s How Apple Controls Its Boardrooms From An iPad [MacWorld / iWorld 2012]Music for The Masses: Budget Earphone Shootout [Review, Shootout]Hands On: iKeyboard Brings Touch Typing to the iPad [Macworld / iWorld 2012]Babiis: Keeping Families Together from Across the Miles [Macworld / iWorld 2012]Customize Notification Center To Fit Your Every Need [Video How-To]