Supertooth Disco Sequel Goes Stereo [MWC 2012]BARCELONA, MOBILE WORLD CONGRESS 2012 — SuperTooth, the company behind the excellent, beat-pumping SuperTooth Disco, are ready to boost their product lineup like their speaker boosts your music’s bass. First will be the imaginitively-named SuperTooth 2, followed by the dinky SuperTooth Mini, and some SuperTooth Bluetooth headphones. We only saw a production preview of the [...]Related StoriesXappr Gun Dock for iPhone Opens FireThe iPad 3 Won’t Be Waterproof, But The iPhone 5 Probably Will Be [MWC 2012]On Voicefeed Makes iPhone Voicemail Personal [MWC 2012]Aurasma Lets Furries and Five-Year-Olds Create Their Own Augmented Reality [MWC 2012]Movellas Wants To Make Your Teen Into A Best-Selling Author [MWC 2012]