Flashfake Antivirus Tool For Mac Finds And Removes Flashback TrojanApple recently responded to the Flashback trojan that has reportedly infected at least 600,000 Macs. The Cupertino company said that it is working on an antivirus tool to detect and remove Flashback from infected computers. Another tool called FlashBackChecker can check to see if you’re infected right now. Russian firm Kaspersky Lab has released a [...]Related StoriesHow On Earth Did Apple Approve This Siri Knockoff? Even The Developer Doesn’t KnowThe 1080p Apple TV Is Dual-Core After All… Technically.Apple Co-Founder Steve Woz Selling Extremely Rare 128K Mac Prototype For $100,000? [Updated]Apple Remains Third Largest PC Maker In The U.S. And iPad Still “Product To Beat” [Report]Watch Foxconn Workers Make An iPad [Video]