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Author Topic: Apple Mistakenly Sending Out OS X Server Replacement Up-to-Date Codes  (Read 914 times)
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« on: July 26, 2012, 07:00:30 pm »

Apple Mistakenly Sending Out OS X Server Replacement Up-to-Date Codes

Yesterday, we noted that Apple's Up-to-Date program allowing recent Mac purchasers to receive free upgrades to OS X Mountain Lion was experiencing some early hiccups, with users receiving Mac App Store redemption codes that were registering as invalid.  Customer support representatives were advising users that Apple was aware of the issue and would be automatically issuing replacement codes but that the process could take up to three days.

While many of these replacement codes are already coming through, users today have begun reporting that Apple is mistakenly sending out codes for the OS X Server components of Mountain Lion rather than Mountain Lion itself.I just got my second code and was able to redeem it. The only problem is when it redeemed it came up with an error saying OSX Server cannot be downloaded because it requires OSX 10.8.0 to run. It seems they sent me a redemption code for server instead of mountain lion. The pdf with the code clearly says that the code is for mountain lion...

My purchased tab only shows OSX Server - no mountain lion...At least half a dozen users have reported the same problem, with the issue presumably affecting a much greater number of users receiving codes today.  One user who called Apple about the issue was advised to file another request through Apple's support mechanism.

OS X Server is also available through the Up-to-Date program, but is limited to users who purchased server models of the company's Mac Pro and Mac mini lines.

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