Netflix Updated With iPhone 5 Widescreen SupportNetflix has just updated its iOS app with iPhone 5 and iOS 6 support. That means full 16:9 widescreen on your new iPhone’s display, which was sorely needed: though dedicated video apps are the most obvious ones to benefit from the change in aspect ratio of the iPhone 5, Netflix has been slow-to-the-draw in adding [...]Related StoriesiOS 6 Maps Asks Siri For Apology Advice [Humor]Watch Your Network Signal, It Will Hurt Your iPhone 5′s Battery LifeThe iPhone 5 Vs. The Competition: Which Camera Takes Better Pics In Low-Light?Globally, Every iPhone 5 Put Together Could Power Cedar Rapids, IowaThe Evolution Of Jailbreaking: Looking Back At iOS 5 And Ahead At iOS 6 [Feature]