Reeder 2 for Mac review: Consume RSS with speed, style<article>
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These days, though I seem to get more and more of my news
through Twitter, I haven’t yet been able to ditch RSS, in large part because there’s something about it that still feels
comprehensive. Still, I’ve been looking for a better RSS experience on my Mac, and I’ve alit upon Silvio Rizzi’s new
<strong>Reeder 2 for Mac</strong> ($10;
Mac App Store link), an update to
the original Reeder for Mac.</p><p>
Built around a multi-paned interface, Reeder presents a logical hierarchy of RSS: At the far left are your accounts—you can connect to one or more feed-syncing services such as Feedly, Feedbin, FeedWrangler, and Fever. (You can also, if you prefer, use Reeder without using a sync service, as long as you don’t need to sync between multiple devices.) For each account, you can specify settings such as the frequency of retrieval, how items are marked as read, subscription sorting, and more.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2361469/reeder-2-for-mac-review-consume-rss-with-speed-style.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
Reeder 2 for Mac review: Consume RSS with speed, style