These are the 25 worst passwords of 2015<article>
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Look on the bright side! There’s one good thing that comes out of all those
website breaches every year: Security researchers get to comb through all those lists of usernames and passwords to remind us just how bad most of our passwords are. Now that we’re well into 2016, password management company SplashData just released its annual round-up of the worst passwords of 2015.</p><p>
The report is based on more than 2 million passwords that leaked online during the year. One trend the company found in 2015 is that while users are coming up with longer passwords (that’s good), they are simple and not random (that’s bad). Two examples the company points to are ‘1234567890’ and ‘qwertyuiop’. One just uses every number key and the other uses the top row of keys on a standard QWERTY keyboard.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/3024252/security/these-are-the-25-worst-passwords-of-2015.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article>
These are the 25 worst passwords of 2015