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Author Topic: Apple pushes out third Safari Technology Preview release  (Read 421 times)
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« on: April 28, 2016, 04:05:21 pm »

Apple pushes out third Safari Technology Preview release

Apple has now pushed out the third release — and second update — for the recently launched Safari Technology Preview, giving developers a chance to test out yet more change before they head to the public version of Safari.  This release comes exactly two weeks after the previous update, which itself appeared two weeks after the initial launch of the program.

If you're a developer interested in testing out the latest release, here's a taste of the changes and updates you can look forward to in Release 3.

  Added support for Symbol.isConcatSpreadable per the ES6 spec
  Made RegExp constructor get the Symbol.match property to decide if an object should be constructed like a RegExp object per the ES6 spec
  Changed String.match and to use RegExp constructor per the ES6 spec
  Corrected how function declarations are hoisted per the ES6 spec
  Improved parsing of ES6 arrow functions
  Added RegExp.prototype[@@split] and made String.prototype.split use i...

Source: Apple pushes out third Safari Technology Preview release
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