How to use iTunes Match with Apple MusicCan't find iTunes Match amidst all the Apple Music hullabaloo? Here's how.
Whether you're having trouble getting your iTunes Library to match tracks with the iTunes catalog, or you just bought Match and aren't sure how to turn it on when you have Apple Music activated, here's a quick fix to get you on the iTunes Match path.
What's iTunes Match, and how is it different from Apple Music?
iTunes Match is Apple's $24.99/year supplementary service; it lets you upload your music collection to iCloud Music Library and share it with all of your devices.
Apple Music does essentially the same thing; unlike the company's streaming subscription service, however, Match will try to match your tracks with songs Apple has access to via the iTunes Store catalog, which is DRM-free. Apple Music matches songs with the Apple Music catalog, which has DRM.
TL;DR: If you have Match, you can download 256kbps iTunes Store DRM-free versions of any tracks you own that also happen to be in the iTunes Stor...
How to use iTunes Match with Apple Music