What's in Serenity's WWDC 2016 gear bagWhen it comes to packing for WWDC, it's all about patterns.
I've been in San Francisco for five WWDCs since 2011: One in-town experience, and four cross-country packing journeys.
Each WWDC has required slightly different tools and bag needs. In part, that's because the technology scene has changed so rapidly: Where once I would have needed a 15-inch MacBook Pro, weighty charger, and battery cases galore for my iPhone, I now carry iPads, keyboard cases, watch chargers and wristbands, audiovisual equipment, and... let's be honest: Battery cases galore.
As I approach my fifth time covering this whirlwind of a show, I've got a good handle on what I need, what I definitely don't, and what I can experiment with this year. Here's what I'm bringing!
Osprey Pixel Daypack: There are many, many bags out there for your travel needs, especially when technology is involved. But the Osprey remains my all-time favorite for flying cross country, two years running. (That's no easy feat, given my l...
What's in Serenity's WWDC 2016 gear bag