How to share Apple TV apps and games with friendsHow do I share apps from my Apple TV?
If you're familiar with the Apple ecosystem, you're probably used to how easy it is to share apps between different devices. Unfortunately, Apple TV, even with the new tvOS, doesn't share this feature.
There's currently no simple way to share apps from your Apple TV with someone else. Perhaps this is because tvOS apps are so different from iOS or macOS apps or Apple just doesn't see a demand for it. In either case, not all hope is lost, there are some workarounds available if you really want to share.
Log into your iTunes account on your friend's Apple TV
How to send your friend a link to an Apple TV app
Log into your iTunes account on your friend's Apple TV
It's not the easiest solution, but you could always log in to your iTunes account on your friend's Apple TV. This will allow you to re-download any apps you have previously downloaded on your account to your friend's Apple TV.
The problem with this method is you would have leave your a...
How to share Apple TV apps and games with friends