How to catch rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go — UpdatedHow do you catch a rare Pokémon when you find it? What does a Razz Berry or Pinab Berry do? How do you score a Critical Catch? Here's everything you need to know!
Updated May, 2017: Contains all the latest research and stats for stacking bonuses so you get the best catch rate possible for the most important Pokémon in the game.
Pokémon Go's slogan is "gotta catch 'em all" and that's exactly what a large part of the game play evolves. You travel around, Pokémon pop up all around you, and you try to catch them. All of them. But some Pokémon are considerably harder to catch then others. Sometimes it's because they've got a low catch rate or high flee rate. Sometimes it's their level. Sometimes it's because you're not stacking all the bonuses you could be. And sometimes it's because they're so rare you freak out and forget how to maximize your chances. Whatever the reason, here's how to make sure you catch all the rare Pokémon you come across!
How to catch rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go — Updated