Top 5 things you need to know about switching carriersSwitching phone service doesn't have to be such a chore.
Changing your phone carrier can be stressful. Shopping around and seeing so many different choices and prices and crazy perks can leave anyone confused and ready to throw in the towel.
But it doesn't have to be that way. If you remember a few tips before you get started, you'll be able to weave your way through all the hyperbole and get what you need and what you want. If you're ready to move on to a new carrier, here are five things you need to know.
Coverage, coverage, coverage
Any time we talk about carriers and their service, coverage gets mentioned. That's because it is the single most important thing you need to consider before you sign or buy anything. There is no value in paying for service that doesn't work for you.
Start by looking at online coverage maps. These are never 100% accurate (the providers even acknowledge this) but can be a good starting point. If you're shown in an area of full coverage and not on th...
Top 5 things you need to know about switching carriers