On iOS 11 designBy embracing rather than running from the affordances of the past, iOS 11 makes iPhone and iPad not just more legible but more comfortable.
Back in 2013, Apple used iOS 7 to begin a major redesign of not just all the company's human interfaces, but the complete philosophy behind those interfaces. The photo-illustrative, metaphorical interfaces of the past, rich in texture and affordance were set aside for more digitally authentic, physically playful look. The training wheels were off. The Retina-natives were in control.
Then, last year, iOS 10 brought a big, bold, beautiful evolution. Rumor has it a designer working on the services apps — Apple Music, Maps, Home — came up with it. The goal was to better orient people, especially in apps with a lot of content.
Back in the old days of iOS, you could step out of a bar near dawn and still realize you were in Messages contacts rather than Find My Friends contacts or Game Center contacts, for example, simply based on the tex...
On iOS 11 design