Three features I'd steal from Android Oreo for iOS 11 — or 12!Android Oreo takes a lot of inspiration from iOS — but there are a few new features I'd love to see iOS take in return.
I hope you like talking about dessert-themed technology, because Google's latest mobile operating system, Android Oreo, launched on Tuesday. Its rollout is, like all Android updates, somewhat fractured, though Pixel and Nexus owners can get a taste of the new update right now.
Android Oreo Review
My Android experience largely begins and ends with my Pixel (which, I'll be honest, mostly lives in a drawer), but I like to keep tabs on the mobile operating system space all the same — just because I prefer iOS doesn't mean that other companies won't have good ideas now and then.
Android Oreo is mostly designed to improve the security and functionality of its devices, and it takes quite a few cues from iOS in doing so — Oreo focuses on limiting what apps can do in the background, gives apps tools for creating adaptive icons, adds w...
Three features I'd steal from Android Oreo for iOS 11 — or 12!