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Author Topic: Why there's no Apple Pencil support on iPhone  (Read 447 times)
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« on: August 25, 2017, 04:05:19 pm »

Why there's no Apple Pencil support on iPhone

Patent filings have once again ignited interest in Apple Pencil on iPhone — so what are the odds we're going to get it?

I've wanted Apple Pencil support on iPhone — specifically iPhones with larger than 5-inch displays — for a long time. My background is in art and design and the idea of having a tiny drawing pad delights me. It's my favorite thing about Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 series. It's not my favorite implementation (see below), but the idea of being able to doodle anywhere, any time I have my phone in hand is beyond compelling. Same for markup, notes, all of it.

So far, though, Apple's kept Pencil exclusive to iPad. (And, similarly, 3D Touch to iPhone.) Why?

Tale of two technologies

A while ago I wrote about the different requirements for 3D Touch-based pressure sensitivity and Apple Pencil-based pressure sensitivity:

  With 3D Touch on the iPhone, an array of capacitive sensors integrated into the LED backlight system measure microscopic changes in th...

Source: Why there's no Apple Pencil support on iPhone
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