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Author Topic: Review: Fiio X3 Mark III Digital Audio Player  (Read 482 times)
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« on: September 27, 2017, 04:05:23 pm »

Review: Fiio X3 Mark III Digital Audio Player

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                  There was a time when dedicated music devices were a major part of Apple's product lineup. In 2014, to our great dismay, Apple discontinued the iPod classic. Then, earlier this year, Apple discontinued the iPod nano and shuffle, leaving only the iPod touch — a device that is far from dedicated to any single task and currently all but hidden on Apple's website. Apple may have given up on dedicated audio players, but there is a small group of companies still offering devices that do one thing, and do it well. Fiio is one such company, offering a consistent lineup of well-designed amplifiers, DACs, and audio players that are focused on music, not apps. Today we're checking out their mid-range DAP, the X3 Mark III. Though we think it's interface could use some work, we think it's a choice for those who remember the iPod before it was "classic" and want to take a first step into the world of unitasker audio devices.{/exp:char_limit}

Source: Review: Fiio X3 Mark III Digital Audio Player
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