From 'Siri Sucks' to siriOS in 5 painful stepsSiriOS is the platform of the future but how does Apple get there?
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From today's criticism to tomorrow's Siri operating system, Apple is best positioned make AI deeply personal, deeply integrated, incredibly consistent, fully mesh networked, and — eventually — into a full-fledged platform for the future.
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Phil Schiller (V.O.): For decades, technologists have teased us with this dream...
Runner: Read me the message.
Siri: New message from Sebastian.
Schiller (V.O.): ...that you're going to be able to talk to technology and it'll do things for us...
Runner: Reply, "Definitely. I'll see you there."
Schiller (V.O.): ...
From 'Siri Sucks' to siriOS in 5 painful steps