Call of Duty Mobile: Everything you need to knowIt looks to be a fully-fledged Call of Duty experience.
Activision has given us a nice big data dump about its upcoming mobile game. Based on the smash hit franchise Call of Duty (CoD), this new game is supposed to be the multiplayer game we all know and love with the added benefit of mobile play.
In case you haven't played video games in the last two decades, Call of Duty is a first-person shooter with a heavy team-based component. Call of Duty has had several huge successes — games like Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops are classics — and they are hoping to bring that success to a mobile platform. The mobile game will feature many of the same game modes, maps, and weapons from all across the franchise, while also being a far friendlier mobile experience than previous iterations.
What will the control system be like?
Playing a multiplayer FPS on mobile is a challenge. Having enough real estate to see all the controls needed to play, and the actual combat is a balanc...
Call of Duty Mobile: Everything you need to know