Reach this part in Luigi's Mansion 3 to unlock 2-player co-opThis is one of the few games that allows you to play the main storyline with a friend.
Luigi's Mansion 3 is finally here to play. One of the things that makes it so fun is that it allows two players to run through the main story mode together. If you were looking forward to capturing ghosts with a friend, then you might have been surprised to find that Gooigi, the character that player-2 controls, isn't available to play from the get-go. We'll cover how to unlock this gooey doppelganger so you can get playing with a buddy as soon as possible.
I see dead people
Luigi's Mansion 3
$60 at Amazon
Defeat ghosts as you search for your friends
The newest game in the Luigi's Mansion series has you playing once again as the scared plumber. But this time, you'll be exploring a haunted hotel, using new fighting elements, and have the help of a gooey doppelganger. You can even play the main story with two people co-op. This game also includes multiplayer modes where up to 8 players can pl...
Reach this part in Luigi's Mansion 3 to unlock 2-player co-op