Apple Seeds iOS 5.0.1 Beta: Multitasking Gestures for iPad 1, Battery Life Improvements
Apple just released iOS 5.0.1 beta to developers. The build number of 5.0.1 is 9A402.
iOS 5.0.1 beta contains improvements and other bug fixes including:
- Fixes bugs affecting battery life
- Adds Multitasking Gestures for original iPad
- Resolves bugs with Documents in the Cloud
- Improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation
- Contains security improvements
iOS 5.0.1 beta introduces a new way for developers to specify files that should remain on device, even in low storage situations.The last note about device files addresses an iOS 5.0 issue raised by Marco Arment.There’s no longer anywhere to store files that don’t need to be backed up (or can’t be, by the new policy) but shouldn’t be randomly deleted.The iOS 5.0 policy introduced issues for apps that wished to store offline data. Apple appears to have addressed this issue in 5.0.1.
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