Why Apple Will Dominate CESThe biggest company at CES this year is Apple. No, Apple isn’t giving keynotes, hosting a booth or even taking meetings, as far as I know. But Apple dominates CES like cheesy hotel casinos dominate the Las Vegas Strip. A consumer electronics show without Apple is like an Internet search show without Google, a social [...]Related StoriesFriday Night Fights: Is Samsung Really Copying Apple? [Feature]This Is It, We’re Going In…CES 2012 Preview Wrapup [CES 2012]Zeo Sleep Manager Mobile: It’s a Scale — But For Sleep, Not Weight [Review, Fitness Special]The Television Industry Is Scared Witless Of Apple’s iTV, Here’s What They Think It Will Be [CES 2012]Smartphones and Tablets Are Eating Other Gadgets Alive, Say CES Organizers [CES 2012]