Intel: Next MacBook Air Could Be Almost 66% Thinner, Have Twice The Battery Life [CES 2012]LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – Although most of Intel’s ultrabook presser was a wash for Mac fans, the chipmaker did drop one extraordinary interesting slide, showing exactly how Apple could make its next MacBook Air redesign almost 66% thinner. Holy crap. Here’s how Apple would do it. Intel VP Mooly Eden says that in next-gen ultrabooks, [...]Related StoriesAcer iCloud Alternative Promotion Blatantly Borrows Apple Images [CES 2012]Intel’s Gimmicky Ultrabook Presser Shows Exactly How Dumb Most MacBook Air Clones Will Be [CES 2012]The Griffin Twenty Will Turn Any Speakers Into An AirPlay Compatible Sound System [CES 2012]Invoxia’s Gorgeous NVX 610 VOIP Conference Phone Was Destined To Cradle Your iPhoneCES Unveiled [Gallery]