This One-Piece MacBook Stand Is Made In Same Factory As Apple’s Unibody MacsSAN FRANCISCO, MACWORLD/IWORLD 2012 – Rain Design’s new one-piece MacBook stand is made in the same factory that makes Apple’s unibody Macs, says the company. According to vice president Aven Koh, the mTower Stand ($50) is carved from a single piece of aluminum using the same process that Apple pioneered for its one-piece MacBooks, a process [...]Related StoriesHow The Real CSI Uses Apple For Cold Cases [Macworld / iWorld 2012]Bring-Your-Own-Mac Is Fueling Big Gains For This Enterprise Software CompanyFirst Time Attendees Impressed by Macworld / iWorld 2012 [Macworld / iWorld]This Waterproof iPad Bag Is Badass Enough For Navy SealsMacworld Concludes With a Big Drum Circle