Relive the 1980s With Paint FX For iPad [Review]If you grew up during the 1980s, many of its style tropes will have been burned indelibly into your brain. Shoulder pads, snow-washed jeans, pleated pants, and tacky, tacky poster art, exemplified by selective-colored black and white photos. If you can imagine a monochrome image of a rose, with the petals colored lipstick red, then [...]Related StoriesWill OS X Mountain Lion’s Docs In The iCloud Kill Dropbox?Why Apple Dropped “Mac” From OS X Mountain Lion [Opinion]STM Velo Laptop Bag: The Aussies Really Love Your MacBook [Review]OS X Messages Is The Future Of Chat, But Still Kinda Buggy [Hands-On]This Ex-Apple Engineer Is “Building A TV Station” With His New iPad App