Our Story Got Foursquare To Kill API Access To Creepy Stalking App Girls Around Me [Update: Facebook Responds]In direct response to our story from earlier today about Girls Around Me, an iOS app by Russian-based app developer i-Free that tracks and gives personal information about women without their knowledge, Foursquare has released a statement announcing that they have officially killed Girls Around Me’s access to their public API. In a statement given [...]Related StoriesJailbreak Released For Apple TV Running Newest 5.0 SoftwareThis Tablet From 1994 Is Hurting Apple’s Defense Against Samsung [Video]Spotify Continues To Allow Unlimited Listening For Free U.S. Users, Drops 5-Track Limit For Europeans200 Beautifully Minimal Wallpapers For Your New iPad’s Retina DisplayLG’s New Flexible E-ink Display Heads Into Mass Production