Apple Finally Starting To Replace Old iPad 2 Billboards [Image]It looks like Apple is finally starting to swap out old iPad 2 billboards around the country for new iPad ads. We highlighted the odd fact that Apple hasn’t updated its signage for the new iPad yesterday, although a new billboard was spotted in sunny Hollywood, California. In less than 24 hours, Apple has replaced [...]Related StoriesApple’s HDTV Will Be Called The iPanel, Cost $1,250 [Rumor]Hands-On With Zoom, Fisheye, Wide And Macro Lenses For iPhone and iPad [Reviews]Web Profile Platform Lauches Official iPhone App In The App StoreU.S. Department Of Veterans Affairs Cancels Long Term Contract With MicrosoftWhat’s An “iPanel”? Ashton As Jobs And More On Episode 7 Of The CultCast