How To Quickly Troubleshoot Your Jailbroken iPhone [Jailbreak]Jailbreaking has its many benefits, but there’s always a risk that installing a certain tweak or app from Cydia will cause something in iOS to go haywire. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does you want to be able to fix the problem without having to restore and lose your jailbreak. Luckily, there’s a [...]Related StoriesFlashback Trojan Discoverer Reveals That 650,000 Macs Are Still InfectedBoston Copies Starbucks iPhone App For Commuter Rail TicketingThis iPad Controlled Machine Gun Quadrocopter Is A Must Have For Armageddon [Video]Minecraft Pocket Edition Updated, Now We Have CraftingCargo-Bot Is The World’s First Game To Be Made Entirely On An iPad