Socialmatic Concept Turns Instagram Into A Physical Camera [Gallery]Following Facebook’s $1 billion acquisition of Instagram, news and rumors surrounding the photography app have continued to swirl. What would happen if Instagram sold a standalone camera to take and share pictures? While such a thing will obviously never happen, the idea was interesting enough to inspire “Socialmatic,” a physical camera concept for Instagram. ADR [...]Related StoriesApple’s New iPad Coming To 30 More Countries This WeekendComing Soon: Snacksss, The First iOS Game By Dev Behind Everquest And Unreal TournamentAnother Rare Vintage Mac Surfaces: Macintosh SE with Clear Plastic CaseFour Apps Enter, Only One Can Leave: It’s A Battle Of The Apps On Our Newest CultCastTeleCommunication Systems Announces Availability Of TCS VoLTE 9-1-1