Huge Shocker: Men Love The Zooey Deschanel iPhone AdTry to not fall out of your chair or trip face-first into the pavement, because we have some breaking news for you: men love Zooey Deschanel. We’re not quite sure why, but it probably has something to do with her drop-dead gorgeousness and delightful quirkiness. Her hair is also very nice. Apple knows that Zooey Deschanel is [...]Related StoriesVerizon To Set 28 New Markets Ablaze With 4G LTE This ThursdayGet The Very Best Prices On Everything Apple – We Tell You How On The CultCastAaron Sorkin To Adapt Official Steve Jobs Biopic For SonyTim Cook Met With U.S. Speaker of the House Today At The Capitol [Photo]Apple’s Patent Complaint Causes U.S. Customs To Ban HTC One X And Evo 4G LTE