Make Your Menubar and Dock Look More Like iOS [OS X Tips]We’re taking this whole “Mac as iOS device” thing a bit far, perhaps, but it sure is fun. We found that we can make our Mac look a lot like our iPad screen with a little bit of Terminal command magic, a third party app, and some Finder tweaks. Here’s how to do just that. [...]Related StoriesUsing Reminders On Your iPhone More Efficiently [iOS Tips]And Now For A Useful And Dependable English Translator App For iPhone / iPad [Sponsored Post]Tangoe Delivers Solid iOS Management But Shines With Expense Management [Mobile Management Month]Apple Gearing Up To Screw iOS Developers With A 3.95-Inch Widescreen iPhone 5 [Rumor]Beautiful iAWriter Becomes The Latest Victim Of A Mutant App Store Clone