Hacked Nook Simple Touch Runs Like A Classic MacSome people dream of flying sheep, but blogger Mike Cane thinks different, dreaming of flying toasters. His dream – in November 2011 – was to see the classic Macintosh OS running on a nook Simple Touch, the eInk reader from Barnes and Noble. His dream seemed far-fetched, perhaps, even to him, but consider the following [...]Related StoriesApple Forgot To Tell Car Manufacturers It’s Putting Siri Buttons On Their Steering WheelsThat Great Marimba Remix Is Now Starring In Its Own iPhone Commercial [Video]Relive WWDC 2012 All Over Again On YouTube [Video]Is Apple Getting Ready To Launch A New Podcast App With iOS 6?Apple Sells 35 Million iPhones In First Quarter, Shares 50 Percent of Global Market With Samsung [Report]