Apple Places Easter Egg For LOST Fans In iOS 6 Passbook Developer VideoWatching the new WWDC 2012 developer video “Introducing Passbook, Part 1,” we couldn’t help but notice that about three minutes in, one of the example passes Apple uses to show off Passbook’s functionality is for a ticket on Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney to Los Angeles. If that fictional airline sounds familiar, it should: that’s [...]Related StoriesWindows Phone 8 Wants To Be The Next iOS, But Can It Compete?The Retina MacBook Pro Can Push 15 Million Pixels Across Four DisplaysCompTIA Tries Its Hand At IT ApprenticeshipsReminder: Verizon’s 4G LTE Assault Takes Place TomorrowGen-Y Workers’ Attitudes On BYOD Pose Big Security Concerns For IT