Is Apple Creating a New Aristocracy?The site defines an “aristocracy” in part as “a class of persons holding exceptional rank and privileges.” Scanning the news recently, I got to wondering: Is Apple creating a new aristocracy? Travel privileges Aristocrats are characterized by, among other things, desirable social privileges and conveniences, especially in transportation. In the 17th and 18th centuries [...]Related StoriesThis Week’s Must-Have iOS Games: Tiny Wings, Amazing Alex, Pocket Heroes & More [Roundup]Last Day To Enter: Try Found For Mac And Win A New MacBook Pro With Retina Display! [Giveaway]This Week’s Must-Have iOS Apps: UX Write, Simpsons Comics, Spacecraft 3D & More [Roundup]NYT: Apple To Release iPad Mini This Year, Will Cost “Significantly Less” Than Current iPadMountain Lion May Or May Not Launch July 25th With Scheduled Apple Store Overnight [Report]