Proof that Samsung is a Huge Apple FanboyI wrote a column last week saying that the “smoking gun” document Apple submitted into evidence in the Samsung patent infringement lawsuit does not constitute proof of infringement by itself. Still, it’s a remarkable document that does prove something: Samsung is very impressed with Apple. In fact, it’s clear that Samsung is a huge Apple [...]Related Storiesi.TV is an Essential App for Anyone Who Watches TV [Daily Freebie]Samsung Takes Issue With Apple’s Estimate Of The Value Of iOS FeaturesThis Week’s Must-Have iOS Games: Ghostbusters, Tiny War XD, Pitfall! & More [Roundup]Logitech Mini Boombox Bluetooth Speaker: Powerful Sound in a Futuristic Suit [Review]This Week’s Must-Have iOS Apps: Slices For Twitter, Cardiio, Posts & More [Roundup]