MacHeist 4′s First NanoMission Is Live, Solve To Win Free Version of NetshadeMacHeist 4’s first nanoMission is live as of now, according to an email I just got from the organizers. Solving this one will net you one copy of NetShade, a $30 anonymous proxy software for your Mac that will let you search all those websites privately. While the prize isn’t a slam dunk by any [...]Related StoriesTimbuk2 Factory Tour Highlights Offshoring Issues at Apple [Gallery]Behold Samsung’s Ridiculous New Anti-iPhone 5 Ad [Image]This Week’s Must-Have iOS Apps: YouTube, Poster, Journal For Evernote & More [Roundup]Take a Look at How the iPhone’s Profile Has EvolvedLast Day to Grab the Outstanding Ticket to Ride Pocket iPhone Game for Free [Daily Freebie]