PSA: If you buy a new iPhone in the US, you can’t use TikTok on it<div class="feat-image">

</div><p>Despite the fact that you can still use the service, TikTok is still very much so banned in the United States. President Trump
promised to not fine TikTok and its service providers for continuing to run the services, but that’s just a promise. He also signed an executive order officially suspending the ban, but there’s great odds that that executive order
doesn’t actually hold up legally.</p>
<p>For one reason or another, Apple (and Google) have both decided that they don’t want to take the risk. If a court later decides that Trumps promises don’t hold up legally, Apple could be
on the hook for up to $850 billion in fines. It just isn’t worth it for them.</p>
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PSA: If you buy a new iPhone in the US, you can’t use TikTok on it