Popsicolor Turns Your Photos Into Amazing Watercolors [Review]You know those apps which turn you photos into pencil drawings or watercolors or oil paintings? Let’s face it — almost every single one of them is junk (iPhoto’s paint effect is a rare exception). Which is why Popsicolor is going to blow your socks off. Popscicolor comes from the maker of the also-excellent Percolator, [...]Related StoriesiPad R*Case With Rear Rails Looks Amazingly VersatileSan Diego Schools Spend $15 Million On 26,000 iPads For KidsIn The Race For iOS Support & BYOD, IT Is Leaving Critical Vulnerabilities UnpatchedDrive-In Turns You Car’s Back Seat Into A Movie TheaterCalifornia Headphones Fill The Non-Rap Gap In Quality Over-Ear Headphones [Review]