Title: Gadget Ogling: A Swank Walkman, a Brainy Grill, and Oh, So Much More From CES Post by: HCK on January 10, 2015, 09:00:21 pm Gadget Ogling: A Swank Walkman, a Brainy Grill, and Oh, So Much More From CES
Welcome to the year's first edition of Gadget Dreams and Nightmares, the column that offers infallible opinions on the latest gadget announcements. The mammoth CES trade show took place this week, and though it offered far too many new items to conceivably cram into a single column, we'll look at some of the most notable and notorious, including Sony's latest Walkman, a smart grill and more. Source: Gadget Ogling: A Swank Walkman, a Brainy Grill, and Oh, So Much More From CES (http://www.technewsworld.com/story/81565.html?rss=1) |