Title: Stick a fork in it: Why even ship the Apple Watch? Post by: HCK on February 19, 2015, 09:00:17 pm Stick a fork in it: Why even ship the Apple Watch?
<article> <section class="page"> <p> Another year, another Apple product that comes pre-doomed for your convenience.</p><p> Still writing for the Forbes contributor network (motto: "Weak arguments made weakly. I mean 'weekly'. Or do I?"), Peter Cohan wonders aloud:</p><p> "Should Apple Scrap Its Watch?" (http://www.donotlink.com/dr0y) (tip o' the antlers to @JonyIveParody (https://twitter.com/JonyIveParody/status/567702346776707073))</p><p> Never before has an argument been put forth with such detail and care. Well, since John Dvorak said Apple should pull the plug on the iPhone (http://daringfireball.net/linked/2007/03/29/dvorak).</p> url=http://www.macworld.com/article/2885349/stick-a-fork-in-it-why-even-ship-the-apple-watch.html#tk.rss_all]Stick a fork in it: Why even ship the Apple Watch?[/url] |