Title: You Should Play: Alto's Adventure finds serenity in side-scrolling snow shredding Post by: HCK on February 27, 2015, 09:00:17 pm You Should Play: Alto's Adventure finds serenity in side-scrolling snow shredding
<article> <section class="page"> <p> These days, keeping up with games can be a full-time job. So how do you separate the signal from the noise, the wheat from the chaff, the Temple Runs from the Temple Jumps? Allow us to help by regularly selecting a game You Should Play (http://www.macworld.com/column/you-should-play/).</p><p> Trying to round up runaway llamas while evading crazed mountain elders sounds like a tremendously frantic and probably frustrating experience, yet playing <strong>Alto’s Adventure (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/altos-adventure/id950812012?mt=8)</strong> feels totally Zen.</p><figure class="medium left"><a class="zoom" href="http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/02/llama_chase-100570349-orig.gif">(http://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/02/llama_chase-100570349-medium.gif)[/url] <figcaption> <p> Alto’s Adventure is like a much more relaxing version of the Great Llama Chase of 2015.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2889603/you-should-play-altos-adventure-finds-serenity-in-side-scrolling-snow-shredding.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article> Source: You Should Play: Alto's Adventure finds serenity in side-scrolling snow shredding (http://www.macworld.com/article/2889603/you-should-play-altos-adventure-finds-serenity-in-side-scrolling-snow-shredding.html#tk.rss_all) |