Title: DeepMind AI Exterminates Space Invaders, Pac-Man Post by: HCK on February 27, 2015, 09:00:21 pm DeepMind AI Exterminates Space Invaders, Pac-Man
Researchers at Google's DeepMind subsidiary in England have developed an artificial agent they call a "deep Q-network" that learned to play 49 classic Atari 2600 arcade games by just diving in. The DQN algorithm performed at more than 75 percent of the level of a professional player in more than half the games. It achieved the maximum attainable scores in certain games, such as Breakout. Source: DeepMind AI Exterminates Space Invaders, Pac-Man (http://www.technewsworld.com/story/81757.html?rss=1) |