Title: Sense ID is Qualcomm's ultrasonic answer to Apple's Touch ID Post by: HCK on March 02, 2015, 09:00:19 pm Sense ID is Qualcomm's ultrasonic answer to Apple's Touch ID
<article> <section class="page"> <p> Qualcomm is hoping to take on Apple's Touch ID fingerprint sensor with “Sense ID (https://www.qualcomm.com/products/snapdragon/security),” an ultrasonic scanning technology for future Snapdragon chips.</p><p> Touch ID is generally regarded as the best fingerprint reader for mobile devices, as it can unlock iPhones and iPads with just a light touch in any orientation. But it does have one big weakness: The sensor has trouble recognizing damp fingers, so it can be frustrating to use on humid days.</p><p> Qualcomm may have the opposite problem, as it uses an ultrasonic sensor that penetrates the outer layers of the skin and creates a 3D map of your finger's unique traits, including ridge lines and sweat pores. According to SlashGear (http://www.slashgear.com/i-jabbed-my-finger-at-qualcomms-ultrasonic-biometrics-02371545/), Sense ID actually works best when your finger is slightly damp, and may struggle to read drier digits.</p><p class="jumpTag"><a href="/article/2890445/sense-id-is-qualcomms-ultrasonic-answer-to-apples-touch-id.html#jump">To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here[/url]</p></section></article> Source: Sense ID is Qualcomm's ultrasonic answer to Apple's Touch ID (http://www.macworld.com/article/2890445/sense-id-is-qualcomms-ultrasonic-answer-to-apples-touch-id.html#tk.rss_all) |